Vista geral do grande revestimento em alto relevo no restaurante municipal do Alto da Serafina. Lisboa. (Depois da sua colocação, sem troca de impressões com a artista, colocaram este tecto rebaixado, colunas em madeira e um balcão, tirando a leitura do trabalho, que me foi outorgado pela Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, que propôs como tema “Figuras e cenas da cidade de Lisboa”. Cortaram muito deste trabalho, causando-lhe irreparável dano.
O jornal "Diário de Lisboa" fez um comentário sobre este irresponsável acontecimento.
General view of the large covering in high relief at the municipal restaurant of Alto da Serafina. Lisbon. (After it was completed and without consulting the artist, the ceiling was lowered and wooden columns and a counter were installed, detracting from the reading of the work. The piece was commissioned by the Lisbon City Council, which proposed the theme “Figures and scenes from the city of Lisbon”. Much of the work was cut, causing irreparable damage.
The Diário de Lisboa newspaper commented on this irresponsible occurrence.
O jornal "Diário de Lisboa" fez um comentário sobre este irresponsável acontecimento.
General view of the large covering in high relief at the municipal restaurant of Alto da Serafina. Lisbon. (After it was completed and without consulting the artist, the ceiling was lowered and wooden columns and a counter were installed, detracting from the reading of the work. The piece was commissioned by the Lisbon City Council, which proposed the theme “Figures and scenes from the city of Lisbon”. Much of the work was cut, causing irreparable damage.
The Diário de Lisboa newspaper commented on this irresponsible occurrence.
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