O sonho dos argonautas. 1972. Mural escultórico cerâmico a partir do chão no átrio da entrada principal da Escola Náutica Infante D. Henrique. Paço de Arcos - Oeiras. Nasceu aqui a criatividade ‘azulejaria em movimento’, neste grande revestimento parietal, pela minha necessidade de um volume de fundo, que me desse o movimento e a cadência da ondas.
293 cm. x 710 cm. x 17 cm.
66 - O sonho dos argonautas (The Argonauts’ Dream). 1972. Ceramic wall sculpture extending from the ground of the main entrance hall of the Infante D. Henrique Nautical School at Paço de Arcos, Oeiras. It was in the making of this large wall covering that the creative technique of ‘tiles in motion’ was born through my need for a depth of volume that would suggest the movement and cadence of the waves.
115.4 in. x 280.0 in. x 6.7 in.
293 cm. x 710 cm. x 17 cm.
66 - O sonho dos argonautas (The Argonauts’ Dream). 1972. Ceramic wall sculpture extending from the ground of the main entrance hall of the Infante D. Henrique Nautical School at Paço de Arcos, Oeiras. It was in the making of this large wall covering that the creative technique of ‘tiles in motion’ was born through my need for a depth of volume that would suggest the movement and cadence of the waves.
115.4 in. x 280.0 in. x 6.7 in.
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